Sunday, July 05, 2009

What's The Point?

This post is a bit delayed, so please forgive me. I recently worked our store's customer appreciation day, and let me just say that it was a complete disaster. Why? Allow me to elaborate.

#1) Our manager gave flyers for our $3.99 large pizza to every doorstep and car windshield in a 3 mile radius. Most of our customers that day were not regulars, they were simply random people who just happened to find the flyer. Worse yet, I haven't seen most of them since.

#2) Our store's lobby was packed with people all day. Literally from around 12am to 12pm. There was no room to stand and the store was so loud that when we called out the names of customers to come pick up their orders, our voices went unheard.

#3) With so many orders, pizzas were constantly shoved into the oven. If you were to order on that day, you would have gotten one of two types of pizza: well-well-done or not done at all. Plus, the oven was backed up for most of my shift. This caused a lot of burnt pizzas.

#4) We only have two hot-boxes in which to store orders waiting to be picked up. On that day, it was impossible to find a place to put every order. Both boxes were filled to the max, so we ended up just putting boxes on the counters, which made for cold pizza. Plus, the full boxes made for high humidity which in turn made for soggy pizza and soggy cardboard.

#5) This may be a direct tie in with the above, but it was near impossible to locate an order at any given time. Tickets were mixed up and pizzas were everywhere This made for a lot of angry customers who were waiting for over an hour.

#6) The store was deadly hot. The crew, including myself, was working in a constant 95 degree atmosphere. Combine that with the crowd in the lobby, the non-stop sound of ringing phones and the smell of burning pizza. It was like our own little slice of Hell.

There are many more things that I can rant about, but it is nearing my bed-time and I must sign off soon. In conclusion, is there a point where a super special deal like that offered on our customer appreciation day starts to work against itself? The answer is yes. In my own humble opinion, we lost more customers on that day then we could have gained in a week's worth of normal business operation.

My friend Chuck presented the following idea for our next customer appreciation day. It is as follows:
Instead of honoring random people who will most likely never order again, why not honor those who are already paying loyal customers? Instead of passing out flyers to every house in our area, put out a special reciept to a week's worth of customers that allows them to come back on a certain day and recieve either a free pizza or a heavy discount on their order. Thanks, Chuck, for presenting this idea. It seems that common sense is no longer all that common.


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Anonymous Steven said...

I used to work in some really hot kitchens. We used to make little buckets of ice water, dunk a towel in there, wring it out, and drape it over the back of our necks as we worked.

It works pretty well.

9:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ready for another one?

10:20 PM  
Blogger Matthew Herch said...

ha ha... not really. I'm barely ready for a regular day.

7:35 AM  

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