Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Detroit 1-8-7 Update: Detroit Screws It Up, As Usual!!!

Detroit 1-8-7 has recently been featured in local and national news, but not for a good reason. Apparently, Detroit city council members are "worried" that the show casts a negative light on Detroit, and falsely claims that Detroit is the "Murder Capitol." The show's producers were asked to attend a council meeting on Tuesday, but were unable to attend due to production schedules.

Now here's the problem I have with this. Most of Detroit is a very very bad place to walk through at night. I wouldn't even walk through during the day in some neighborhoods. I don't know where the council members think they live, but it sure isn't Bloomfield Hills. I'm not saying that Detroit is all bad. Downtown is very nice and is almost on par with Manhattan in New York. But come on, "A negative light?" Please.

My second problem with this is that the producers and actors on the show have stated that the show paints Detroit in a very positive light. They are looking to show both the positive and negative aspects of the city.

Finally, the city council members are forgetting that other cities have featured crime dramas and were proud to show there city. The truth of the matter is that there is crime. It is prevalent in Detroit and this show is just trying to reveal how Detroit's homicide unit attempts to make the city a little bit better every day.

Okay, I lied. One more problem. Did the city council forget all the money that this show's crew is spending here in Detroit? They are staying in hotels, buying food at restaurants, and drawing huge crowds to the shoots. Is Detroit really going to turn away that windfall?

Leave it to Detroit to screw up another good opportunity. That's all I have to say about that.

P.S. I forgot to mention that the show has wrapped up filming here in Hamtramck. They filmed at the former shoppers world, and Three Star BBQ. I was in attendance, but was asked not to post video. It was a fun night. I even got to see Mr. Imperioli from a decent distance. Let me just say that he seems like a very professional man.

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