Monday, November 08, 2010

Rant Of The Day #1: Some People Should Not Have Kids!

I'm going to be starting a new article series called "Rant of The Day" in which I rant about things that irk me during my everyday experiences. I'll start off with a juicy one...

It's been said time and time again that some people should not have kids. I'd be tempted to call it a cliche if it wasn't for the fact that it's 100% true. Today, that was proven once again by an irresponsible and uncaring mother.

I was working earlier today when my co-worker came running through the door after taking a smoke break. He told me to go outside and look to my left. I walked outside, looked to my left, and caught a glimpse of something horrible.

A woman was dragging a stroller behind her which carried her baby. The stroller was tipped to one side like it was about to fall and the baby was screaming relentlessly. Here's the worst part. The mother was talking on her cell phone and paying no mind to her screaming child about to fall over. She treated her child as if it were a sack of potatoes that didn't deserve the love and attention of a caring mother. That pissed me off.

I can't ask it enough. What is wrong with people? Seriously, if someone could answer that for me please do. I need it clarified. This woman should not be allowed to have children. Anyone who treats a child as she did is unfit to be responsible for a goldfish, let alone a child.

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